Cheers, let’s play it by beer!
The Ariel Wine & Beer Society is a group of friends and colleagues who meet to enjoy, discuss and learn together about wine, beer and related topics in a fun and interesting way.
We run regular informal tastings; some we lead ourselves, some are presented by speakers from the trade. Each one is themed, for instance by a country, area, grape or style.
Come and try one. There is no need to be an expert and beginners are welcome. If you just want to find out what wines you might like from the supermarket or a restaurant this is the place for you. We meet usually on the second Wednesday evening of each month in a BBC London building and can entertain between 12 and 15 people.
A Zoom link to the meetings is supplied for members who are unable to attend in person and a list of wines to be sampled is sent out in advance to enable remote attendees to purchase some of the selected wines and ‘taste along’.
In addition to tasting events, we organise trips out and can give tips on “how to taste” and home winemaking or brewing!
Members are always willing to share their knowledge and experience.
Cost to join is just £8 for a year.
The charge for Ariel Wine & Beer Society members for each event is usually around £10 to cover costs. Guests are welcome at a supplemented cost if space allows .

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