Why not join the BBC Club Photography Connect Group? Whether you’re an experienced photographer or new to it and keen to learn, the “BBC Photography Club” Connect Group would love to welcome you!
The group’s aim is to enable staff to meet like-minded people and develop their photography through trips, meetings, talks, photo shoots and practical workshops, and to exhibit the best of their work in a magazine.
Cost to join
The Photography Club is FREE to join for the first year and £15 per year after that.* You must be a BBC Club member.
*Does NOT auto renew. after the first year you will be asked if you wish to continue at the regular annual cost of £15

Exhibition and Events
- Each year the Photography Club holds an annualexhibition. Would you like to participate next year? Join now and start snapping! We hold events throughout the year including outings, skills workshops, talks and critique sessions.
We have walks, visits, workshops, critique sessions and competitions planned this year and of course our annual exhibition which all members are encouraged to take part in. Our last exhibition was a great success. As well as our private view at Westworks, we took the exhibition to NBH, BBC Worldwide and Broadcast centre.
Get Connected
We keep in touch through the year with regular newsletters and through a Facebook group for our members. The newsletter gives a roundup of what we’ve been up to and suggestions about exhibitions that you may like to attend – as well as sharing the successes of our members!
Contact Details

Join the Club
Joining the BBC Club is simple and gives you access to a whole world of exclusives…