February Lottery winners

What a surprise for Lorraine C who has won £1,000! Lorraine is delighted with her win, as are (hopefully) the following members who are all £100 better off: John R, Vanessa L, Chris F, Mary D, Richard B, Joanna H, Martin F, John C and 2 others who wish to remain anonymous. March is a £10,000 jackpot month so enter or increase your shares NOW!! CLICK HERE for details or email BBC.Club@BBC.co.uk

January Lottery winners

Congratulations to Claire R who has won a cool £1,000in the January lottery draw! £100 winners are: Abdul R, Adnan L, Les P, John M, Anthony W, Lesley S. Ian R and 3 others who want to be anonymous. March is a £10,000 Jackpot month so join the lottery now or increase your shares! Click here for more info.

Socks competition winner

Congratulations to Paul W who will be wearing Amari Amari socks this winter as the winner of the BBC Club December competition! Currently we have not one but two competition prizes for members up for grabs – head over to the competition page for details!

December Lottery Winners

Congratulation to Theresa West who is £10,000 richer thanks to the BBC Club Lottery! A belated Christmas gift of £1,000 is also on its way to Ricardo M! Winners of £100 in the December Draw are: June P, Derek B, Kathy B, Michael P, Emma T, three winners who prefers to remain anonymous and two more yet to confirm – check your emails to see if one of them is you!

November Lottery Winners

Paul S is this month’s £1,000 winner – congratulations to him! Winning £100 are: Jennie A, Michael P, Jack G, Michael J, Philip P, Patricia D, Michael C, Andy B and an anonymous winner too.

December is a £10,000 lottery jackpot month. Click Here to find out more!

Advent Calendar Winners

congratulations to Leo A who chose a white chocolate Advent Calendar from Hotel Chocolat and Dan H and Jacklin R who chose dark. Merry Christmas! It’s £100 of luxury socks in December’s competition!

October Lottery winners

Winning the October £1,000 prize is: Steven H with £100 prizes going to: Jeremy B, Michael A, Thomas K,  Vanessa A, Bob B, Michael S, Alex H, Kyri K, Annette Y and Andre L.  Click here for lottery details.